Vox Sola comm system 9 ball, billiards table Archer has been wanting to teach Tucker the finer points of waterpolo Stanford vs Texas waterpolo finals, fresh out of mailbag dinner, prime rib fresh horseradish movie Wages of Fear, Mayweather promises Reed that things blow up so he'll like it Rostov hates missing the beginning of the movie, really wanted to see WoF nightshift cargo bay 2 em emitters, em radiation em barrier=forcefield entity photosensitive Reed stable forcefield HS calls herself comm officer Archer senior year North American regionals against Princeton were down but won, went to finals that year Mayweather left basically alone on bridge; apologizes to Kreetassans for eating in public nameless security guy (not zabel) has lines Kreetassans Crewman Kelly-engineering Crewman Michael Rostov-engineering Zabel-security