Storm Front I station fucked up the showing and didn't get anything before the credits, bunch of commercials then suddenly comes on mid opening credits; rebroadcast tried to zapped out when Phlox talking to Porthos P-51s; Mayweather had seen them at airshows SP1 at beginning; 50 calibre bullets out of hull Mayweather speaks! Archer in back of truck, face looks better, how many days? The Shadow radio show; Winston Churchill Silik on Enterprise 5000 resistance fighters in area been some time since T'Pol to Vulcan Trip wants to lie on different beach for 2 months Chicken liver with graded cheddar - Porthos' favorite Phlox singing drive children to tears Daniels cellular chaos, some tissue aged other fetal; doubt live more than 24 hours 1944 Brooklyn Archer shot missed bone, upper right arm Alicia thinks he's a sailor because Enterprise on uniform; Enterprise sank White House alien SS headquarters (Vosk) testing a weapon, needs supplies (really conduit) Germans NE US Vosk suggest non-Aryian plague $10,000 award for info for Archer's capture Vic captured and interrogated Walsh - male engineer Silik attacks Tucker and steals SP2 Tucker's workouts with MACOs are showing Ent shoot and damage SP2 Temporal cold war all out conflict; factions trying to wipe each other out Archer recognized Billie Holiday meat wed&fri, then wed, Germans say resistance disrupting food supply Tucker and Mayweather transport down and search for SP2 Conduit Archer from upstate New York Tucker and Mayweather blew up Pod2 with germans in it; EPS conduits were fused T&M captured Vosk- leader of most dangerous faction of temporal war, against the temporal accords; SS officer Ghrath- alien subordinate of Vosk; killed by Sal Daniels- cellular chaos; dies Silik Alicia Travers- resistance fighter, helps Archer, husband in Pacific on a Destroyer Carmine- loan shark; resistance fighter Sal- loan shark; resistance fighter; killed by germans Joe Prazki- snitch, owed Sal money, set up meeting with Ghrath where Archer finds out Enterprise is in orbit and about the conduit