The Forgotten Really, really long 'previously on' 18 dead Archer's speach isn't as bad as usual sect _ found Taylor and Kamada Jane Taylor, Crewman, eps control specialist Rostov ok imaging chamber offline armory higher priority than sickbay, Phlox vows revenge TP significant damage to neural pathways sphere don't they have vege rations? Tucker hasn't slept in 2 days since the attack didn't they say it was 3 days to the rendevous coordinates? doesn't add up section 12, 14 E deck spit and baling wire; still use baling wire in 150 years? Phlox releave Tucker for 6 hours negotiated down to 4 hours Phlox-Tucker scenes really are good Taylor on Enterprise 3 years, was on Saratoga (Capt Brody) Tucker thought she'd make a fine chief engineer someday Rostov practical jokes Mr & Mrs Taylor grrr... Taylor on Rostov's team Reed heat stroke/trauma, recovers very quickly Degra destroy reptilian ship Crewman Kamada, Ensign Marselle dead 9 months since Xindi attack Nebula has subspace corridor to take; 3 days to get to council Xindi arboreal really needs name 78 spheres at last Xindi count