Fight or Flight B&B HS - slug-'sluggo', picked up within last two weeks 'been out here 2 weeks' squeak in ready room HS quarters E deck starboard section 5, both training tours quarters port side so trouble sleeing because stars going wrong way, Ensign Porter (he) willing to trade TM in 23 years his parents only run intor trouble 1/2 doz times target scanners, fore and aft; working in armory; target simulation when archer suggest trying out a couple torpedoes; Reed perks up infrared scanner, part of targetting scanner resequenced protein Crewman Namot - Tucker looks over at table with males Ensign Secorro female mention Crewman Bennett and Tatum don't know which which, opposite sex, female-yellow piping, male-red piping Porthos cheddar cheese dont get along universal translator beacons linguistic database HS claustrophobic, zeroG training, Archer talked Hoshi into job, exolinguistic, grad 2nd in class, 3 years starfleet training, Archer's first choice for mission, cleared for EM sidearms, class 3 pulse rifles Tucker once saw stellar nursery through big lens outside Anchorage Phlox taught for years starboard and port tube (torpedo tube) extracting triglobulan HS hydroskimmer on a tributary in the Amazon, gave her the creeps; 'University' May 6, 2151 Axanar- androgenous live over 400 years sluggo released