Look! It's the rebuilt timeship. Tucker picked up crate of peaches when on earth. Why in a pot? Chef's keeping them in stasis for him. Can only hope that peaches are better in the future, can't remember last time I had a good peach. T'Pol touching her food again; one bite of peach, get dna sample from saliva later Tucker more than a little ticklish neuropressure, minimal chance of paralysis not a good idea to start an episode with this, very boring arboreal primate xindi= sloth; well they got arboreal right at least eek- the white uniform shuttlepod of doom why no MACOs? Crispy aliens Reed not much care for tropics cheesy fx mutated into something pretty quick makes no sense to start speaking some other language; potential for lang genetic but lang speak is learned hair growing makes no sense SP2 Chang, Tucker, another MACO (Palmer?) Tucker's helmet cracked; but didn't mutate mutagenic virus designed to overwrite DNA of host Vulcan K-cells make her mostly immune Look! It's the pyramid of the sun Loque'eque species lost ability to reproduce, created virus; city is Urquat- in ruins quarantine police have been studying virus for 60 years Comm ensign, male, can't be bothered to give him a name but there are 2 characters on the cast list with names that I haven't a clue who they are. Ok I have a slight idea for Palmer, but Tret, no clue at all. Pyrithian bat eats moth larvae Tret Chang Palmer Com officer alien decon agent Reed accepts day off