Daedalus Tucker nervous about meeting Erickson book about transporter inventor reason Tucker became engineer; mother bought it for him when he was 7 made her read from it every night for a month Dr. Emory Erickson-invented transporter, colleague of Henry Archer; in wheelchair Archer teases Tucker about being nervous Erickson using Ent for experiment; subquantum teleportation T'Pol reading the Kir'Shara Tucker wants T'Pol to talk about her mother's death; like this scene week after last episode over 16 light years to Vulcan sub-quantum teleporter, won't work, fundamentally flawed concept Vulcan Acadamy studying sub-quantum teleportation for years Archer still prefers shuttlepod to transporter Barrens no star system within 100 light years, subspace node, bubble of curved space-time; subquantum Erickson first person to go through transporter Quinn, son, lost in transporter accident 15 years ago Danica daughter; taking care of father; father also calls her Dani Danica calls Archer Jon keeping real purpose from Archer F-deck near armory Ensign Burrows armory, dead; massive cellular disruption as if subjected to intense Delta radiation looks like Expanse spatial anomoly affect initial tranporter tests, people lost Archer practically family, he and Quinn best friends, like brother; Emory like second father T'Pol hit in hand by anomaly transport probe 40,000 km, nothing ever transported that far before Tucker realizes something's up C deck section 5, 3, 4 anomaly surrounded by subspace field discovered anomaly!Quinn 5 years ago Emory and Quinn use to argue all the time Porthos movie night starting again; horror or musical? EPS junction destroyed; just missed stack of torpedoes Archer short with Tucker, insubordination Henry alive when Archer started flight training B deck section 8 massive cellular deterioration; losing cohesion, will die within seconds Quinn rematerialized; alive for long enough to speak briefly to father T'Pol "breaks up" with Tucker NCC Sarajevo return Ericksons to earth Erickson leaves suggestions for boosting transporter range