Chosen Realm another sphere - all identical (3 total now) Triannon ship trapped in cluster of anomalies; 23 biosigns on ship Archer orders full security precautions Triannons won't allow medical bio scans, they say aversion to any invasive medical procedures for religious reasons (although probably to hide organic explosives) been in vicinity of sphere for months, some Triannons have anomaly scars Pri'Nam D'Jamat, Pri'Nam is a religious designation pilgrimage to 12th sphere, journey took year Triannon homeworld, 6.3 lightyears in the _ star cluster Makers created spheres 1000 years ago to create the Chosen Realm; anomalies called Makers' Breath, Makers use sphere to reshape Expanse creating paradise for when they return believe that there are 1000s of spheres TPol calculates there are 59 spheres religious zealots; believe Enterprise desecrated sphere Phlox offers Janaran tea Yarrick organic explosives, why wouldn't let Phlox scan them female crewmember dark hair killed in explosion explosion C deck, upper forward port hull I've mentioned before that they really need scanners at the airlocks crew locked in quarters 1 crewman severe burns, 2 others effects of rapid decompression Archer warns Tucker to not take any actions against Triannons destroy Triannon ship, 2 torpedos Triannon 3 days away last century group of heretics try to undermine way of life using Enterprise to end war choose 1 member to die, give Archer 6 hours to decide sphere info deleted; they do have backups don't they? why don't they password protect anything D'Jamat reading Archer's captain's logs transporter as execution devise (very funny) D'Jamat, non-believers=enemy, Archer text messaging Phlox Archer transported to nacelle Archer knock out Lyaal and scanned him EPS manifolds, deck D section J-15 4 Triannon ships airborne agent neutralized one of the enzymes in the organic explosives, renders it inert (and apparently works really, really fast) Tpol refuses to fire on the Triannons Hey idiot writers, Vulcans are supposed to be strong Pyrithian bat (female) eats snow beetles Archer releases Reed first need to retake armory and release MACOs I can't help but think that firing weapons in engineering is a very stupid thing to do Reed- the throw weapon method of attack I like the dark haired female MACO (Money?) Destroyed 2 of the Triannon ships 1 crewmember dead, 6 injured Triannon all major cities destroyed 8 months ago Lyaal- one that's knocked out and scanned Indava- Yarrick's wife, pregnant, asks Phlox about an abortion, doesn't agree with D'Jamat's interpretation of the religion Jareb- Triannon Nalbis- Triannon Ceris- Triannon