Azati Prime this would be battle music activity interior 2 planets detection grid, satallites Anarkis, Xindi Degra and council members Reed can't find weakness in detection grid use insectoid shuttle Tucker and Mayweather shuttle to scan for where weapon is destroy monitoring station on moon (lunar outpost); 3 xindi biosigns shuttle/submarine Azati Prime mostly water, not much life on landmasses station is underwater weapon final stage of construction couple photon torpedoes to destroy weapon Daniels Enterprise J, 400 years in the future modified space extends 50,000 light years in all directions Battle of Procion 5; engaged sphere builders Federation: humans, vulcans, andorians, klingons, ithinites same species as pod guy, transdimentional species Federation wins battle, so sphere builders change timeline Daniels- Archer can't sacrifice himself; Archer only one who can make peace T'Pol supposed to have a thing for Archer now? Archer won't order anyone else to die Phlox care for Porthos Another bad/awkward Archer speech need a Archer/Tucker missing scene T'Pol emotions again underwater energy weapons Archer captured by reptilians, interrogated Archer insulting reptile guy Archer favorite resturant makes wonderful turtle soup Degra 3rd child was going to be called Trinnea; 3 months into pregancy wife contracted anaprolian fever and miscarried; Degra never told it to anyone "she"? weapon moved, why wasn't there 4 Xindi ships atack Enterprise; no response to hail lost helm plating, no helm control starboard nacelle gone, comm down reptilians force other xindi back to their ship Archer to detention center for more questioning; was supposed to hold off attacking Enterprise hull breaches C, D, E, evacuating engineering, coolant leaks all over the place 3 crewmembers spaced from hull breech T'Pol always seems to manage to almost destroy Enterprise; and she acts very inaffective